Thursday, April 11, 2013

Asian Skin care review: Cure Aqua Gel

Hi everyone,

Finally after a long wait and after searching high and low. I finally found sample packs of Cure. Well your probably thinking what is great about this exfoliator. Well this exfoliator is very gentle and this particular exfoliant does not contain any beads or crushed particles floating around a thick gel or cream. With that in mind I wanted to try the product for myself, I just didn't think that finding sample packs of Cure would be a little difficult. I also didn't want to purchase the full size product since I was not sure if will work for me.

sample packs of Cure liquid gel, each sachet has 3 gram of product
and you get a set of 5 pcs

Product claims:
Cure Natural Aqua Gel is a gentle and natural exfoliating gel that removes dead skin effectively without causing undue stress to the skin.
  • Very gentle and removes only unwanted dead skin.
  • Neither dries or thins your skin, preventing irritation and vulnerability to sun damage.
  • Contains 90% revitalized hydrogen water and natural plant extracts from aloe vera, gingko and rosemary.
  • Does not use preservatives, fragrance, artificial colorings or alcohol that can irritate skin.
  • Gently and effectively removes old and dead skin cells to promote skin renewal and prevent skin problems.
  • Complements any facial regimen to allow moisturizers, serum and other skincare formulas to penetrate deeper and better.
  • With regular use, Cure keeps your skin healthy, smooth and glowing.
  • How to Use:
  • Simply apply a small amount on desired area after cleansing.
  • Leave it for a few seconds to allow Cure Natural Aqua Gel to react to the skin cells.
  • Avoiding the eye area, gently massage in a circular motion from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • The gel will turn into a milky liquid and dead skin particles will be visible.
  • Rinse well with water

  • For more info go the website they have a list of ingredients and every possible information about cure. They also give your free sample of cure for those living in Singapore.

    Sample of the product, it's a clear gel but does wonders

    Product Experience:
    The product comes in two sizes the full size bottle of 250 ml between price of $35 to $55 USD, the full size bottle comes in a clear bottle with a pump.The sample sachets which contains 3 g of product and you get a set of 5. The product itself is just clear colorless gel.
    After my usual cleansing routine.I just gently spread a sachet of Cure all over my face and neck, I let it sit on my skin for a few seconds and gently rub my skin in circular motion. I saw the product work immediately.This white balls started forming, I am assuming are dead skin cells. Started dropping down from my face. There will come a point when the little balls will no longer form no matter how much you rub. Then you know it's time to rinse your face.
    This product got around the areas that is hard to reach or neglected areas, like around the sides of my mouth, the patch of skin between my eyebrows and chin.
    dead skin cells getting exfoliated
    • A true non-abrasive, non-acid based exfoliator and non irritating.
    • Easy to use and will not over exfoliate your skin.
    • Very potent the 3 g that is in the sachet was enough to cover my face and neck area.
    • Can be used with any skin regimen without massive side effects like break outs, rashes and any sort of inflammation.
    • Comes in an a clear plastic bottle with a pump or little sachets.
    • Can be used at other part of the body such as elbow, neck or knees.
    • Expensive you need to shop around for the best price, sample packs cost $9.99 USD for a set of five, Full size bottle 250 ml can cost anywhere between$ 35 to $55 USD depending on where you purchase.
    • Difficult to find in the US
    • Can only be purchased online or maybe specialty stores.
    Samples of the product can only be obtained for free if you live in Singapore. U.S. residents have to purchase online. sells the full size and sample size, and sells the full size bottle.

    some tips :)
    I find that cure works best on dry skin, so after cleansing just make sure you take off as much moisture on your skin. You will find a lot more of those tiny white balls forming on your face.

    I love this product, it's so easy to use and does what is claims to do. I felt my skin was so much softer. It's a product that is worth buying and worth every penny. After I finished my sample packs I decided to purchase the full size bottle.


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