Thursday, April 19, 2012

Skin care routine

I know there's plenty of skin care routine but this one works for my combination dry skin. I broke this down to morning routine, evening routine and once a week treatments that I like to use. The products will get reviewed at a later date because if I added the review with this blog post will be very, very long. I will also add info to where you can purchase the products that I use.

Morning routine
In the morning I like to wash my face with lukewarm water for several minutes. Then I pat my face dry and with a cotton ball I use witch hazel as my toner. I use an under eye gel,use my clinique spot treatment for any zits I have then apply 1 pump of kalahari ootanga oil to my face let it get absorbed and dry a bit then I place either another moisturizer with an SPF of 38 or more to my face.I know most experts recommend that you wash your face with a cleanser in the morning, I find that using a cleanser in the morning dries my skin so much. Also I make sure to really cleanse in the evening so using a cleanser in the morning is too much for my skin. That's pretty much it for my morning routine, I usually don't use make up I reserve that on special occasion. :)

Evening routine
At night is when I perform my deep cleansing since I have more time to devote at night and I find that my night cleansing routine is a nice party of de-stressing.
At night I like to use my black soap and rose hip cleanser or my rose hip soap on my face. Depending on what I did that day I either use my hands to work the cleanser on to my skin or on days that I feel I need that extra cleansing I use my nutra sonic. Nutra sonic is a cheaper version of clairasonic. After I have cleansed my face I pat my skin dry and use an under eye gel use my tamanu-e cream on my zits. Then I use 1 pump of tamanu oil and massage this on to my face, let is get soaked up for a minute and then use 1 pump of argan oil and also massage on my face and neck. That concludes my evening routine I know your asking why I don't use a toner at night. I find that since I cleaned my face really well with my nutra sonic or my cleanser that I don't need a toner.

Once a week routine.
I have large pores around my nose, forehead and chin so I use some sort of pore strip to clean those gunk out of my face. I have several that I have tried so far I'm liking the skin food nose strip It's cheap and works the best in my opinion.
I use face scrubs once a week I use my ghassool purifying paste mask.

That about sums up my skin care routine, I have been using this products since November of last year and I haven't had any break outs except when I try new products. It works for me.
to purchase argan oil, kalahari ootanga oil, tamanu oil and ghassool scrub/mask clinique spot treatment any department store or sephora will carry clinique.the nutra sonic I purchased online at on one of their sales. Witch hazel I purchased it from Walgreen's.

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